Friday 30 January 2009

Preliminary Task

Our group consists of three people, Poppy who will write in purple, Laura who will write in blue, and Katy who will write in green.
Today we started story boarding our preliminary task after previously review three of Alfred Hitchcock's Thriller films, Psycho, Family Plot and The Birds. We decided to create a 30 second thriller clip for our preliminary task.
We have decided that with my previous experience, that I will be doing the majority of the filming. I noticed that Hitchcock uses a lot of panning in his thrillers and that the editing is slow paced.
After watching the three Hitchcock films I noticed that a lot of the lighting Hitchcock used was natural lighting because a lot of the acts were set outside. The lighting was also quit high key because some of Hitchcock's films were in black and white and it would have been too dark if there was low key lighting.
Due to my previous experience using the new school technology we found that I have the most experience using the composing software to create the necessary background music for our piece. I noticed that Alfred Hitchcock uses mainly diegetic noises unless he wants to build extreme suspense.

The rest of our writing will be in white, which will show the general work that we have done together.
This is our presentation that we gave to the rest of our media class. We researched the genre of thrillers. This gave us information on what to include in our preliminary and main task.


Photobucket We decided to write the conventions of a thriller to plan for our main task thriller opening, as we can look back in our notes, and to this slideshow, to madown, as this would help us with the presenting of how each sub genre of a thriller fits into the overall thriller theme. This will also help us when we come ke sure that we are along the right lines of a creating a thriller. This list will also help with our storyboarding etc.

Photobucket These are the main sub genres of the thriller genre. We have found examples of each of the sub genres and have written about each of them. The sub-genres include, action thrillers, crime thrillers, disaster thrillers, horror thrillers, psychological thrillers, science fiction thrillers and paranormal thrillers.

Photobucket Die Hard is an example of an action thriller as it has a lot of quick paced editing in it as well as having guns. It is usually a race against time and involves a lot of violence. It usually involves an antagonist and the hero is on a mission to save the princess. It may also have elements of mystery and crime thrillers within it.


Photobucket The departed is an example of a crime thriller as it shows the minds of criminals in Boston, Massachusetts. It focuses on the criminals rather than the policemen and emphasises the action over the psychological aspects. Crime thrillers involve murders, robberies, chases and shoot-outs.


Photobucket The Day After Tomorrow is a disaster thriller as it shows the struggle against a disaster, in this case, the catastrophic effects that Global Warming could have on the environment. It can also be classed as a Science Fiction film. The nain conflict is due to some natural or artifical disaster such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes or nuclear disasters. Other disaster films inclued Flood, Earthquake and Twister. These all use a lot of low-angled shots to show the size of the disaster. They also include some hand-held camera work to make the audience feel like they are part of the disaster.


Alien is an example of a horror thriller as it contains a more defined element of fear throughout the film. And is often more scary than other thrillers. The main characters are often up against a superior force and/or monster. A horror-thriller usually has conflict between the characters in a mental, physical or environmental state. For example, in Alien, there is physical conflict between the humans and the Aliens and there is environmental conflict because the humans are stuck on a ship with Aliens. Mental conflict usually occurs because the main characters are not only up against a superior force; they are or will soon become the victims themselves and directly feel the fear that comes by attracting the monsters attention. There may also be some mental conflict between the humans because they want to save their own lives and will do anything to stay alive. It also uses a lot of low-key lighting to keep the audience scared because anything could be hiding in the shadows.


The Sixth Sense is an example of a paranormal thriller because it includes the paranormal, and what wouldn't tend to occur in real life situations. In this case, a little boy sees dead people. There is usually conflict between the main characters; one of which has supernatural powers. Paranormal thrillers include ghosts, the un-dead and anything else that is not real. Paranormal thrillers are not a graphic as horror thrillers as they are focussing more on the psychological side of things. This means that the audience will have to use their imagination which may be even more terrifying. More examples of paranormal thrillers include The Ring, The Orphanage and The Others.


Psycho is an example of a psychological thriller, the title of the film gives the genre of the film away a bit. Psycho can also be classed as a horror thriller. The
conflict between the main characters is often mental and emotional, rather than physical. Pshychological thrillers are also not as graphic as other genres of thrillers. This makes the audience use their imaginations. Examples of psychological thrillers include Hannibal, Awake and 23.


War of the worlds is an example of a science fiction thriller as it involves realistic speculation about what could happen in the future and future events that could occur, it can be closely linked with disaster thrillers, e.g. The Day After Tomorrow. Special effects are generally used in this type of thriller. A lot of special effects are used in science fiction thrillers and also there are a lot of similar coloured lighting throughout the film, such as the Matrix (green). There is also a lot of non-diagetic music used. This genre of film tends to be very expensive to produce. Examples of science fiction films include, The Island, The Day the Earth Stoof Still and Jumper.


Together we have gone through our idea for our preliminary task withour teacher and so far we on top of everything.