Friday 13 February 2009

This is our final piece for our Preliminary Task.

Overall, I am very pleased with our final piece for our prelimiary task. I feel that Poppy's filming was very good and the use of panning and zooming was very smoothe. To improve our prelimiary task I would have made sure that it was obvious that the camera was filming through a window. I say this because some people who watched our preliminary task asked why they couldn't hear the man shouting. They said that it was not clear that it was being filmed through a window. To improve this I would either film it inside the room so that we could hear the man shouting, or film it further back so that the window frame was in shot. I would also try and add a litlle more diaglogue into it. This is because it was a mystery and I think with a little more dialogue at the end would have helped to make the plot more obvious.

When the man was shouting through the window, I would have not made that shot as long as it was because I feel it was too long. I was have also liked to focus on the clock on the wall inside the room where the man was shouting. If the camera had looked at the clock for a second, there could have been a discussion about the time when the two characters were talking outside. This could have also made the plot mroe obvious.

If I were to compare this with another thriller we have studied, I feel that it is a lot like Sleeping With The Enemy because we do not see the man's face for a while and he seems mysterious. There are also a lot of shots of his feet which show that he does not want his face to be shown.

Laura Knapp