Sunday 15 March 2009


All this weekend, Poppy and I have been filming the footage for our final production. Yesturday, we went around some woods in the local area and filmed the scenes with the characters running. We also purchased some red balloons and filled them up with helium so that the balloon would fly away easier when the little girl lets go of it.

Today we went to Lacock Abbey to finish the rest of the filimg. Some problems were encountered while filming. The first problem was making sure our outfits, hair and make-up were the same during the two days. This was a problem because the outfit I was wearing was very dirty and I couldn't wash them because it would look different on the film. The next problem was while we were filming in the cloisters. It was a bright, sunny day and there were a lot of people at Lacock. This meant that we were restricted to what we could film because of the amount of people there. Another problem was not being able to use the tripod in certain areas because there was not enough space due to the amount of people at Lacock. However we did over come this issue by resting the camera on a stone ledge instead of using the tripod. The final problem we encountered was when we were doing the flashbacks, we had to make sure the characters did not move or else the clips would not merge smoothly into eachother when editing it.

Despite the problems we encounted, I think we have made extreamly good progress and I am very happy with the footage we have. Tomorrow, Poppy and I plan to upload the footage onto the computer and save the footage onto memory sticks for back up in the case of technology problems.

Our schedule stands as:
16th March - 20th March = editing and voice over
23rd March - 27th March = soundtrack, any extra editing and adding the credits, adding the voiceover and any special effects
30th Marck - 3rd April = Post production (including screening and audience interviews)
Between 3rd April - 24th April = finishing touches
24th April = Final date for submission

Laura Knapp