Friday 27 March 2009

The first shot will be 5-7 seconds long. It will a extreame close up of a man writing the instructions 'Go the the cupboard, open the door, don't let anyone hear you, remember what I said.' It will also be a high angled shot, looking over his shoulder, slowly zooming into the writing. There will also be a voiceover of the man saying what is being written. There will also be some non-diagetic music in the background to add mystery. This shot will then fade into the next shot which is of a girl doing the man's instructions (this girl will be wearing a little dress to show innocence). This shot will last about 7 seconds. This will be a close up shot of the girl opening the cupboard. It will be a mid angle and there will be no camera movement. The camera will be filming from inside the cupboard. The cupboard door will then open and the is a balloon in front of the camera. The character takes the balloon out and closes the door. The voiceover of the man saying his instructions continues as the character is doing the instructions. There will still be non-diagectic music in the background. This shot will cut to the next shot of an extreme close up of the girl's face and will slowly zoom into her eye at a mid angle. There will be twinkling music as the camera zooms into her eye (non diagetic whoosh). This is a flashback the girl is about to experience. This shot will last for about 5 seconds. The transition from this shot to the next shot will be a flash. The next shot is of the older sister's eye at an extreame close up shot and a mid angle. The camera will zoom out to reveal the older sister talking to the younger sister. This shot will be in black and white to signify that it was in the past (flashback).

The next shot will be an over the should shot, which is still in black and white ( over the shoulder of the younger sister and looking at the older sister). The older sister will be wearing a leather jacket to show power. The younger sister will be wearing the same clothes throughout the film. It will be at a slightly low angle, to show the power of the older sister. There will be non canera movement during this how. The older sister will then pop the balloon in front of the younger sister's face and reveals the younger sister's shock and sadness. As this is happening, the older sister will then say 'you stupid girl'. There will be very low volume non-diagetci music playing the the background to create suspense. This shot will be about 7 seconds long. This shot then cuts to the next shot. The next shot will be back in colour ( end of flaskback) with the younger sister holding a red balloon next to her looking sad. This shot will be a mid shot at a lod angle. There will be no camera movement and there will be low volume non-diagetic background music. This shot will then cut to the nest shot.

The next shot will be of the younger sister walking out of her house, carrying her balloon behind her. As soon as the door opens, the music will change and will have a higher pitch and have a more 'happy' feel to it. This shot will be a mid shot and have a slight low angle to show that the younger sister is becoming more dominant and more powerful as she walks out of the house. As she walks up the path, the camera will pan from left to right, following her. This shot will last about 5 seconds. The next shot will be of the younger sister standing still and holding the balloon next to her. This shot will be an over the shoulder shot at a high angle . There will be no camera movement and the high-pitched music will continue. The girl will be looking out to a beautiful landscape and then let go of the balloon. This shot ill last about 3 seconds. This shot will cut onto the next shot which will be of the balloon in the sky at a low angle, looking up at the balloon floating away. The camera will follow the balloon for about 5 seconds and then fade into the next shot. The next shot will be a high andle shot, looking through the trees of the of the older sister walking through the woods. This will be a long show and there will be no camera movement. The high-pitched music will fade out and a musterious sound will be played. The balloon will then land next to the character. This shot will last about 6 seconds. This shot will cut to the next one.

The next shot will be a mid, low angle shot of the older sister looking down at the balloon. This shot will be 2 seconds long. There will be no camera movement and the mysterious sound will fade out. This shot will cut to the next shot which will be a close up of the balloon from the older sister's point of view. This will be a high angle shot because she is looking down at the balloon. There will be no camera movement because the audience will need to read what it says on the balloon. The balloon will have 'it is here' written in blood. This shot will last 3-4 seconds and will cut to the next shot of the older sister's facial expression. This shot will be a close up and a mid angle. There will be no camera movement and mysterious music will play (getting ready for a flashback). A voice over will start...'i remeber as if it were yesturday....' and the camera will slowly zoom into her eye. This shot will last about 4 seconds. The transition from this shot to the next shot will be a flash. The next shot will be an extreme close up of the older sisters eye at a mid angle. The voice over will continue and the transition from this shot to the next shot will be a flash.

The next shot will be in black and white to show that it happened in the past. This shot will be of the two sisters playing on the swings and it will be a long, two-shot at a low angle. The older sister is wearing something slightly different to show that this was a different time. There will be no camera movement and the voiceover will still be playing. This shot will last about 3 seconds. This shot will cut to the next shot of the younger sister laying on the floor with the swing swinging behind her. The audience will see the older sister's legs running away behind the swing. This shot will be a long shot at a low angle. The camera will be at the same level/angle as the girl laying on the floor. The pace of the music speeds up and the voiceover ends. The volume of the music then increases. This shot will last about 5 seconds. This shot will cut to the next shot which will be in colour to show that the flashback is over. This shot will be a reaction shot of the older sister olding the balloon. It will be a low angle show and there will be no camera movement. The older sister drops the balloon and runs away from the camera. (she has just realised that her sister is back to haunt her). This shot will last about 4 seconds and will cut to the next shot. The nest shot will be of a gravestone to show that the younger sisster did die. This shot will be a mid shot at a low angle. There will be no camera movement and the fast-paced music will continue. This shot will only last about a second because it just needs to be a quick flash as the pace is building up. This shot will cut to the next shot.

The next shot will be of the older sister running. It will be a long shot at a mid angle. The camera will hide behind the tree as if spying on the character and when she looks at the camera, the camera will hide totally behind the tree and then pan around the other side of the tree to watch the character run away. There will be camera movement in this shot because the camera will be hand-held to make it seem that the audience are the people stalking the character. The fast-paced music will continue. This shot will last about 4 seconds and will cut to the next shot. The next shot will be a high angle shot in the trees above the older sister who is running. This again, will be a hand-held movement to make it seem that audience are stalking the character. It also shows that there is something obsure and unsure happening. This shot will last about 2 seconds. This shot will cut to the next shot which is of the character running over a beautiful landscape. This shot will be an extreme long shot at a mid angle. This will be a tracking shot of the character running. The camera will be on the other side of some bushes which will act as a barrier between the character and the camera. The voiceover of the younger sister speaking will begin, 'she ran, ran away' and the music volume will decrease. This shot will be about 3 seconds long and will cut to the next shot which will be a shot of a tunnel of trees and the older sister will run from behind the camera and away from the camera. This will be a high angled shot and there will be no camera movement. The character will seem big to start off because she will be close to the camera, however the further she runs away, the smaller she will get. This shows that she is losing her power and becoming more scared. This shot will last about 4 seconds and will cut to the next shot.

The next shot will be a long shot at a low angle of the older sister running. There will be no camera movement and the voiceover will still be playing. The character will run over a bridge in a frantic rush to get away. This shot will last about 2 seconds and will cut to the next shot which will be another shot of the charcter running and will then cut to a close up shot of the older sister's feet at a high angle. Her feet will be running frantically (she will be wearing old trainers). This shot will last about 2 seconds and then cut to the next shot of the younger sister's feet at a high angle. The younger sister's feet will skipping calmly and then the feet will stop (she will be wearing little girls sandles). The voiceover will stop and a heartbeat sound will begin. This shot will last about 3 seconds and will cut to the next shot.

The next shot will be a point of view, long shot. It will be in the point of view of the younger sister, looking at the older sister. It will be at a low camera angle and the sound of the heartbeat will continue. The camera will pan upwads to reveal the Lacock Cloisters. This shot will last about 5 seconds. This shot will cut to the next shot of the older sister running on the other side of the cloisters which acts as a barrier between the camera and the character. This shot will be a long shot and a mid angle. The camera will pan along with the older sister running. The heartbeat sound will continue and should be in time with the editing. This shot should last between 2-3 seconds. This shot will cut to the next shot which will be a shot with both the characters in at the same time. This shot will be a long shot with a slight high angle. The heartbeat sound will still continue to play. This shot will be in the Lacock Cloisters and it will be on a corner so that the audience can see both characters, but the characters cannot see eachother. The light through the cloisters will luminate the balloon and give a red glow to the shot. This shot will last about 3-4 seconds and will cut to the next shot of the older sister screaming. This will be an extreme close up and then the shot will fade to black.

The penultimate shot is a close up of the older sisters face. The camera will be at the same level (eye level) as the older sister laying on the floor with the younger sister's legs standing behind her. The heart beat sound will start to fade away. This shot will last 2 seconds and will cut to the final shot will is a mid shot of the younger sister looking down at the camera (as if the camera is the older sister) and the shot will fade to black. This shot will last about 3-4 seconds.