Thursday 23 April 2009

Questionnaire results

As you can see from the graph, the majority of people we asked were between the ages of 15 and 19. We asked ten people altogether, and although this is not a large sample size, it will give us feedback on what we could have done to improve our production. To improve this further, I would have asked more people, with a sample size of around 100, yet we do not have the time to process the results and viewings of the production would be difficult.
In the time that we had between making the questionnaire and finding people to do fill it in, it was hard to find people that weren't in the 15 to 19 category. This could sway our results slightly, and will have to be taken into account when analyzing whether we have chosen the correct target audience.

The people we chose for the questionnaire were predominantly females as they were more willing to do it, whereas males couldn't be bothered. If we were going to do this fairly then we would generate a random sample of people, giving a number to each individual and then randomly drawing out 100 numbers. By doing it this way we may have an uneven number of males and females, but everyone has a fair chance of getting picked.

The results show that the 8 out of the 10 people who viewed the production, thought that the actresses we chose to play the characters in the thriller opening, were suitably selected. This could be because we were rather limited with the people willing to perform. The people who said no, were aged between 15 to 19, and they were both female. An interpretation of this result could be that they found it hard to relate the female actresses to themselves.

There was only one female, aged 15 to 19 who said that they thought the film was not suitable for the target audience. Additional comments were that it was hard to understand. However we believe that the audience would rather be confused than bored.

Almost half of the people we asked, thought that the it was a psychological thriller, this is enlightens us, because our thriller was aimed to be of this choice. The people who put crime, disaster and sci-fi, may not totally understand what defines the different sub genres. This could be due to us not explaining the genres, and if we had done, our results would be much clearer.

Only one person said they would not want to watch the rest of the film, they were female, aged 15 to 19. She said, "It pulls me in, but not really enough to want to watch it". This shows that we made it interesting enough to make the majority of the people want to see the rest.

The majority of people were very satisfied. There being 7 very satisfied, 1 satisfied, and 2 unsure. From this we can see that overall, people have not said that they weren't satisfied with it, which shows us that our target audience enjoyed our film.

This graph shows that the soundtrack was a success, we are very pleased with it, especially the ending, because the editing goes in time with the soundtrack. This makes the film easier to follow.

This shows that our target audience were either very satisfied or satisfied with the image on the screen, this gives us confidence that we used n appropriate range of shots.

Being that we didnt use that many visual effects, the audience were satisfied with the ones that we did use. The main reason for not using a vast amount is that sometimes 'a little goes a long way'.

One female aged 15 to 19 said that it was inappropriate to have this storyline, this is the same person who said it was hard to understand, in previous answers. Therefore she may not like the style of our production.

The self same person who said that the storyline was inappropriate to use the storyline that we used, and who said that the production was hard to understand, said that the target audience is inappropriate. We disagree with this, as do 8 other people who said that it was appropriate. And ne person who said that it was very appropriate.

All of the people that completed the questionnaire, agreed that the soundtrack suited the moving image. This makes us confident about the whole production as we were worried that it would not quite fit with the film. The sound is really important as it creates the mood and helps differentiate between the shots.