Monday 20 April 2009


These are the questions that we have put in our questionnaire.

  1. What age category do you fit into?
  2. What is your sex?
  3. Did the selected actors/actresses suit the roles of the characters played?
  4. Do you, the audience believe that the production is suitably aimed at 15 to 30 year olds?
  5. Into which sub-genre would you class this film?
  6. Would you be interested in viewing the rest of this film?
  7. How satisfied were you with the: film, sound, image, visual effects?
  8. How realistic was the: storyline, acting?
  9. Did the soundtrack suit the moving image?
There is also space for additional comments.
From this questionnaire, we hope to be able to understand how the audience see's the film, and what is hard to understand, because the way in which Laura and I see the film, will be different to how it is viewed by others.